The Palgrave Handbook of Family Sociology in Europe
Claude Martin / and al.
Collection : Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging
Année de publication : 2021
ISBN : 978-3-030-73305-6
Ouvrage collectif dirigé par Maija Castrén, Isabella Crespi, Jacques-Antoine Gauthier, Rita Gouveia, Claude Martin, Almudena Moreno, Suwada Katarzina, Česnuitytė Vida.
This handbook provides a meaningful overview of topical themes within family sociology as an academic field as well as empirical realities in various societal contexts across Europe. More than sixty prominent European scholars’ original texts present the field’s main theoretical and methodological approaches in addition to issues such as families as relationships, parental arrangements, parenting practices and child well-being, family policies in welfare state regimes, family lives in migration, and family trajectories. Presenting cutting-edge research on findings, theoretical interpretations, and solutions to methodological challenges, it is a timely tool for researchers, teachers, students, and family practitioners who wish to familiarise themselves with the state of family sociology in Europe.
Participation de Tom Chevalier, Varieties of Youth Transitions? A Review of the Comparative Literature on the Entry to Adulthood, pp 575-589 — Preview