Mélissa Mialon

Chercheur / Chaire Inserm

Affiliation : Inserm
Statut : Non permanent
Grade : Non renseigné
Section : Non renseigné
Équipe/Chantier/Service : Axe 4 - Recherche sur les services et le management en santé /

Bureau : Non renseigné

Domaines d'expertise

Santé publique

Determinants commerciaux de la santé

Lobbys industriels et santé

Allaitement; Santé et alimentation; Aliments ultra-transformés; Industrie agroalimentaire; Industrie des laits infantiles

Addictions; Industrie de l’alcool

Politiques publiques

Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS)

Amérique latine; Océan Pacifique; États-Unis; Colombie; Chili; Brésil; France; Grande-Bretagne; Irlande


Dr Mialon est titulaire de la Chaire Inserm « Recherche sur les services de santé » à Arènes – UMR 6051, RSMS (Recherche sur les Services et Management en Santé) – U 1309 à l’École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique (EHESP).

Dr Mialon est également une Health Research Board Research Fellow et Visiting Research Fellow à la Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, en Irlande.

Ses recherches portent sur les déterminants commerciaux de la santé, en particulier l’activité politique des entreprises, dans une perspective de santé publique.

Dr Mialon coordonne le « Global Commercial Determinants of Health Action Network » (G-CAN, anciennement GECI-PH).

Dr Mialon a publié une série sur les déterminants commerciaux de la santé dans le Lancet, ainsi que des articles dans Social Science and Medicine, Obesity Reviews, Globalization and Health, Addiction et l’International Breastfeeding Journal. Elle a également publié des chapitres de livres et participé à la rédaction de plusieurs rapports de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. Elle a publié un livre sur les déterminants commerciaux de la santé, intitulé « Big Food & Cie ».

Dr Mialon a obtenu une licence en physiologie (2009) et un diplôme d’ingénieur en agroalimentaire et sciences des aliments (2012) en France. Durant son école d’ingénieur, elle a passé un an à l’University College of Cork en Irlande (échange européen ERASMUS). Puis elle a dirigé un projet de recherche dans un laboratoire de biotechnologie alimentaire à l’Université Purdue aux États-Unis et a été stagiaire pour l’association caritative Action contre la faim, à Paris, et pour le Comité permanent des Nations Unies sur la nutrition à Genève, en Suisse.

Entre 2013 et 2016, Dr Mialon a fait un doctorat au Centre collaborateur de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé pour la prévention de l’obésité, à l’Université Deakin, en Australie. En 2015, elle était chercheuse invitée au Centre du Pacifique pour la prévention de l’obésité et des maladies non transmissibles (C-POND) aux îles Fidji.

En 2016-2017, Dr Mialon a fait partie du groupe de recherche sur la santé mentale et l’addiction (MHARG) de l’Université de York, au Royaume-Uni. Elle a travaillé sur un projet financé par Wellcome et intitulé : « L’industrie de l’alcool et la science d’intérêt public ».

En 2018-2020, Dr Mialon a mené un projet de postdoctorat à l’Université de Sao Paulo, avec des financements qu’elle a obtenu de FAPESP (Fondation de recherche de l’Etat de Sao Paulo) au Brésil. Dans le cadre de ce projet, elle a été chercheuse invitée à l’Université d’Antioquia (Colombie) et à l’Institut de nutrition et de technologie alimentaire (INTA), Université du Chili, en 2019.

Entre 2021 et 2023, Dr Mialon était professeur adjoint à la Trinity College de Dublin, en Irlande. Ce poste a été financé par des financements obtenus par Dr Mialon du Health Research Board, via un « Applying Research into Policy and Practice Fellowship », qui sont prolongés jusqu’en 2027.

Dr Mialon a rejoint l’Inserm en 2024 sur la Chaire Inserm sur « la recherche sur les services de santé ».

– Co-coordinatrice du « Global Commercial Determinants of Health Action Network » (anciennement réseau GECI-PH)  (2020-présent)

– Experte invitée, Réunion ad hoc d’experts de l’OMS sur les déterminants économiques et commerciaux de la santé (2023)

– Experte invitée, OMS Europe, contribution à la rédaction de la publication « Commercial Determinants of Noncommunicable Diseases in the WHO European Region » (2023-24)

– Consultante et experte invitée, Consultation d’experts de l’OMS pour la publication « Supporting member states in reaching informed decision-making on engaging with private sector entities for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases: a practical tool » (2020-23)

– membre du Groupe d’action de l’OMS des professionnels des soins de santé contre le parrainage de l’industrie des préparations pharmaceutiques (PHASFI) (2022-présent)

– Membre de l’équipe technique multipartite du projet « Healthy Diets 4 Healthy Lives (HD4HL) », Ministère de la Santé, Ghana (2022-présent)

– Membre, « private sector module leadership team » du réseau INFORMAS (International Network for Food and
Obesity / Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) Research, Monitoring and Action Support) (2021-présent)

– Membre du groupe de travail sur l’allaitement maternel, Santé Publique France (2020-présent)

– Membre du conseil d’administration de l’ICARA (International Confederation of Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug (ATOD) Research Associations) (2023-25)

– Membre du Comité des conflits d’intérêts, Association mondiale de santé publique et de nutrition (WPHNA) (2020-présent)

– Membre du Collectif de leadership Next Gen(D)eration (2020-présent)

– Membre du comité scientifique, magazine Hotmilk (2023-présent)

– Membre du comité de rédaction, O Joio e o Trigo (site de journaliste en ligne), Brésil (2022-présent)

– Panel du Mouvement mondial de décolonisation de la santé en Afrique (GHDM-Afrique) (2022-présent)

– Administratrice, Formindep, France (2020-présent)


Peer-reviewed journal articles

  1. Guégan E., Zenone M., Mialon M. & Gallopel-Morvan K. #Bartender: portrayals of popular alcohol influencer’s videos on TikTok©. BMC Public Health. 2024; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-024-18571-1
  2. Pachón Robles C.A., Cediel G., Mialon M., Sánchez Salazar C.A. & Pérez Tamayo E.M. Oligopoly market for ultraprocessed products and beverages in Colombia. Revista de Alimentação e Cultura das Américas (RACA). 2024; https://doi.org/10.35953/raca.v4i2.173
  3. Pachón Robles C.A., Mialon M., Amaral Mais L., Neri D., Silva K.C. & Baker P. Breastfeeding, first-food systems and
    corporate power: a case study on the market and political practices of the transnational baby food industry in Brazil.
    Globalization and Health. 2024; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-024-01016-0
  4. Carriedo A., Ojeda E., Crosbie E., Mialon M. Public-Private Partnerships in Mexico: Implications of engaging with the food and beverage industry for public health nutrition. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2024; https://doi.org/10.34172/ijhpm.2024.8008
  5. Robitaille M.C., Mialon M., & Moubarac J.C. Political corporate activity of the bio-food industry during the revision of Canada’s Food Guide by Health Canada. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada. 2023; https://doi.org/10.24095/hpcdp.43.12.01
  6. Wood B., Robinson E., Baker P., Paraje G., Mialon M., van Tulleken C. & Sacks G. What is the purpose of ultraprocessed food? An exploratory analysis of the financialisation of ultra-processed food corporations and implications for public health. Globalization & Health. 2023; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-023-00990-1
  7. Makhoul J., El Ashkar C., Mialon M., Levy A., Sabbagh D., & Nakkash R. Benefits and risks: views of humanitarian organizations in Lebanon on corporate assistance. PLOS Global Public Health. 2023; https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgph.0002291
  8. Lwin K.S., Koon A.D., Rasanathan K., Ahsan A., Erku D., Mialon M., Perez Leon S., Singh A., Zafar M., Zuleta M., Dao S.T., Rasheed S., Jeremias P., & Marten R. Framing health taxes: Learning from low- and middle-income countries [In BMJ Global Health Collection]. BMJ Global Health. 2023; http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2023-012955
  9. Zuleta M., Pérez-León S., Mialon M., & Delgado J. Political and socioeconomic factors that shaped health taxes
    implementation in Peru [In BMJ Global Health Collection]. BMJ Global Health. 2023; http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh2023-012024
  10. Vandevijvere S., De Pauw R., Djojosoeparto S., Gorasso V., Guariguata L., Løvhaug A.L., Mialon M., Van Dam I., &
    von Philipsborn P. Upstream determinants of overweight and obesity in Europe. Current Obesity Reports. 2023;
  11. Hamel V., Henessy M., Mialon M., & Moubarac J.C. Interactions Between Nutrition Professionals and Industry: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Health Policy & Management. 2023; https://doi.org/10.34172/ijhpm.2023.7626
  12. Ulucanlar S., Lauber K., Fabbri A., Hawkins B., Mialon M., Hancock L., Tangcharoensathien V, & Gilmore A.G.
    Corporate Political Activity: Taxonomies and Model of Corporate Influence on Public Policy. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2023; https://doi.org/10.34172/ijhpm.2023.7292
  13. Lacy-Nichols J., Nandi S., Mialon M., McCambridge J., Lee K., Jones A., Gilmore A., Galea S., de Lacy-Vawdon C.,
    Carvalho C., Baum F. & Moodie R. Conceptualising commercial entities in public health: beyond unhealthy
    commodities and transnational corporations [Lancet Series on Commercial Determinants of Health]. The Lancet. 2023; https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00012-0
  14. Friel S., Collin J., Daube M., Depoux A., Freudenberg N., Gilmore A., Johns P., Laar A., Marten R., McKee M. & Mialon M. Commercial Determinants of Health: Where to From Here? [Lancet Series on Commercial Determinants of Health]. The Lancet. 2023; https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00011-9
  15. Amaral Mais L., Mialon M., Kulik Hassan B., Peres J.M., Gondo dos Santos M., Bortoletto A.P., Giuberti Coutinho J., & Maranha Paes de Carvalho C. Do they really support « your freedom of choice »? Front-of-package nutrition labeling and the food industry in Brazil. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2022; https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.921498
  16. Carriedo A., Pinsky I., Crosbie E., Ruskin G. & Mialon M. The corporate capture of the nutrition profession in the
    United States: The case of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Public Health Nutrition. 2022;
  17. Kroker-Lobos M.F., Morales L.A., Ramirez-Zea M., Vandevijvere S., Champagne B. & Mialon M. Two countries, similar practices: The political practices of the food industry influencing the adoption of key public health nutrition policies in Guatemala and Panama. Public Health Nutrition. 2022; https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980022001811
  18. Mialon M., Bertscher A., Bero L. & Vandevijvere S. A protocol for evaluating efforts made by governments to prevent and mitigate corporate influence and conflicts of interest in public health policy. HRB Open. 2022;
  19. Mialon M. & Pinsky I. Food industry and corporate political activity in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: public health or public relations? World Nutrition. 2022; https://doi.org/10.26596/wn.20221312-75
  20. Mialon M., Serodio P., Crosbie E., Teichol N., Naik A. & Carriedo A. Conflicts of interest for members of the U.S. 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Public Health Nutrition. 2022; https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980022000672
  21. Nunes Pereira T., da Silva Gomes F., Maranha Paes de Carvalho C., da Fonseca Leitão Duran A.C., Bortoletto Martins A.P., Kulik Hassan B., Indjaian Cruz J., Amaral Mais L., de Araujo Ferraz M., Mialon M., Johns P. & Moraes Bandeira L. Regulatory policies to protect adequate and healthy diets in Brazil: a 20-year assessment. Cadernos de Saude Publica. 2022; http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0102-311X00153120
  22. Mialon M., Cediel G., Jaime P. & Baeza Scagliusi F. “A consistent stakeholder management process can guarantee the “social license to operate””: food industry political practices in Brazil. Cadernos de Saude Publica. 2022; http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0102-311X00085220
  23. Cossez E., Baker, P. & Mialon M. ‘The second mother’: How the baby food industry captures science, health
    professions and civil society in France. Maternal & Child Nutrition. 2021; https://doi.org/10.1111/mcn.13301
  24. Freudenberg N., Lee K., Buse K., Collin J., Crosbie E., Friel S., Eisenkraft Klein D., Madureira Lima J., Marten R., Mialon M. & Zenone M. Defining priorities for action and research on the commercial determinants of health: a conceptual review [Research & Analysis]. American Journal of Public Health. 2021; https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2021.306491
  25. Lee K., Freudenberg N., Zenone M., Smith J., Mialon M., Marten R., Madureira Lima J., Friel S., Eisenkraft Klein D., Crosbie E. & Buse K. Measuring the commercial determinants of health and disease: A proposed framework. International Journal of Health Services. 2021; https://10.1177/00207314211044992
  26. Baker P., Zambrano P., Mathisen R., Singh-Vergeire M.R., Escober A.E., Mialon M., Lawrence M., Sievert K., Russell
    C. & McCoy D. Globalization & Health. Breastfeeding, first-food systems and corporate power: a case study on the market and political practices of the transnational baby food industry and public health resistance in the Philippines. 2021; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-021-00774-5
  27. Steele M., Mialon M., Browne S., Campbell N & Finucane F. Obesity, Public Health Ethics and the Nanny State. Ethics, Medicine and Public Health. 2021; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jemep.2021.100724
  28. Pedroza-Tobias A., Crosbie E., Mialon M., Carriedo A. & Schmidt L.A. Food and Beverage Industry Interference in
    Science and Policy: Efforts to Block Soda Tax Implementation in Mexico and Prevent International Diffusion. BMJ Global Health. 2021; http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2021-005662
  29. Duran A.C., Mialon M., Crosbie E., Jensen M., Harris J., Batis C., Corvalan C. & Smith Taillie L. Food environment
    solutions for childhood obesity in Latin America and among Latinos living in the United States. Obesity Reviews. [In Special Issue: “Childhood Obesity Prevention Across Borders: The Promise of US‐Latin American Research Collaboration”]. 2021; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/obr.13237
  30. Baker P., Russ K., Kang M., Santos T.M., Neves P.A.R., Smith J., Kingston G., Mialon M., Lawrence M., Wood B.,
    Moodie R., Clark D., Sievert K., Boatwright M. & McCoy D. Globalization, first-food systems transformations and
    corporate power: a synthesis of literature and data on the market and political practices of the transnational baby food industry. Globalization & Health. 2021; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-021-00708-1
  31. Mialon M., Ho M., Carriedo A., Ruskin G. & Crosbie E. Beyond nutrition and physical activity: Food industry shaping of the very principles of scientific integrity. Globalization & Health. 2021; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-021-00689-1
  32. Campbell N., Browne S., Claudy M., Mialon M., Hercberg S., Silva F. & Finucane F. The gift of data: Industry-led Food Reformulation and the Obesity Crisis in Europe. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. 2020;
  33. Sacks G., Riesenberg D., Mialon M., Dean S. & Cameron A.J. The characteristics and extent of food industry
    involvement in peer-reviewed research articles from 10 leading nutrition-related journals in 2018. PLoS ONE. 2020; https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243144
  34. Mialon M., Jaramillo A., Caro P., Flores M., González L., Gutierrez-Gómez Y., Lay L., López-Arana S., López-Bautista F., Mata C., Moliterno P., Palomares L., Páramo K., Rauber F. & Rivas-Mariño G. Involvement of the food industry in nutrition conferences in Latin America and the Caribbean. Public Health Nutrition. 2020;
  35. Mialon M., Corvalan C., Cediel G., Baeza Scagliusi F. & Reyes M. Food industry influence on public health policy,
    research and practice in Chile: “the economy has always been the main concern”. Globalization & Health. 2020;
  36. Mialon M., Khandpur N., Amaral Mais L. & Bortoletto Martins A.P. Arguments used by trade associations during the early development of a new front-of-pack nutrition labelling system in Brazil. Public Health Nutrition. 2020;
  37. Mialon M., Gaitan Charry D.A., Cediel G., Crosbie E., Baeza Scagliusi F. & Perez Tamayo E.M. “The architecture of the State was transformed in favour of the interests of companies”: corporate political activity of the food industry in Colombia. Globalization & Health. 2020; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-020-00631-x
  38. Lauber K., Ralston R., Mialon M., Carriedo A. & Gilmore A.B. Non-communicable disease governance in the era of
    the Sustainable Development Goals: a qualitative analysis of food industry framing in WHO consultations.
    Globalization & Health. 2020; http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12992-020-00611-1
  39. Mialon M., Gaitan Charry D.A., Cediel G., Crosbie E., Baeza Scagliusi F. & Perez Tamayo E.M. “I had never seen so many lobbyists”: food industry influence on the development of a new front-of-pack nutrition labelling in Colombia. Public Health Nutrition. 2020; https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980020002268
  40. Campbell N., Mialon M., Reilly K., Browne S. & Finucane F. How are frames generated? Insights from the industry
    lobby against the sugar tax in Ireland. Social Science and Medicine. 2020; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113215
  41. Mialon M. An overview of the commercial determinants of health. Globalization & Health. 2020;
  42. Mialon M., Crosbie E. & Sacks G. Mapping of food industry strategies to influence public health policy, research and practice in South Africa. International Journal of Public Health. 2020; https://doi.org/10.1007/s00038-020-01407-1
  43. Ojeda E., Torres C., Carriedo A., Mialon M., Parekh N. & Orozco E. The influence of the sugar-sweetened beverage
    industry on public policies in Mexico. International Journal of Public Health. 2020; https://doi.org/10.1007/s00038-020-01414-2
  44. Mialon M., Vandevijvere S., Carriedo A., Bero L., Gomes F., Petticrew M., McKee M., Stuckler D. & Sacks G.
    Mechanisms for addressing and managing the influence of corporations on public health policy, research and practice: a scoping review [In BMJ Collection “Commercial influence in health: from transparency to independence” https://www.bmj.com/commercial-influence]. BMJ Open. 2020; http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034082
  45. Tanrikulu H., Neri D., Robertson A. & Mialon M. Corporate political activity of the baby food industry: the example of Nestlé in the United States of America. International Breastfeeding Journal. 2020; https://doi.org/10.1186/s13006-020-00268-x
  46. Paixao M. & Mialon M. Help or Hindrance? The alcohol industry and alcohol control in Portugal. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [In Special Issue “Alcohol Policy and Public Health”].
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16224554
  47. Mialon M., Mialon J., Calixto Andrade G. & Moubarac J.C. “We must have a sufficient level of profitability”: food
    industry submissions to the French parliamentary inquiry on industrial food. Critical Public Health. 2019;
  48. Mialon M. & Gomes F. Public health and the ultra-processed food and drink products industry: corporate political activity of major transnationals in Latin America and the Caribbean. Public Health Nutrition. 2019;
  49. Mialon M., Sêrodio P. & Scagliusi F. Criticism of the NOVA classification: who are the protagonists? World Nutrition. 2018; https://doi.org/10.26596/wn.201893176-240
  50. Mialon M., Julia C. & Hercberg S. The policy dystopia model adapted to the food industry: the example of the NutriScore saga in France. World Nutrition. 2018; https://doi.org/10.26596/wn.201892109-120
  51. Mialon M. & Mialon J. Analysis of corporate political activity strategies of the food industry: evidence from France. Public Health Nutrition. 2018; https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980018001763
  52. Mialon M. & McCambridge J. Alcohol industry corporate social responsibility initiatives and harmful drinking: a
    systematic review. European Journal of Public Health. 2018; https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/cky065
  53. McCambridge J. & Mialon, M. Alcohol industry involvement in science: A systematic review of the perspectives of the alcohol research community. Drug Alcohol Review. 2018; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/dar.12826
  54. McCambridge J., Mialon M. & Hawkins B. Alcohol industry involvement in policy making: A systematic review. Addiction. 2018; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/add.14216
  55. Mialon M. & Mialon J. Corporate political activity of the dairy industry in France: an analysis of publicly available
    information. Public Health Nutrition. 2017; https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980017001197
  56. Mialon M., Swinburn B., Allender S. & Sacks G. “Maximising shareholder value”: a detailed insight into the corporate political activity of the Australian food industry. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 2017; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1753-6405.12639
  57. Mialon M., Swinburn B., Allender S. & Sacks G. Systematic examination of publicly-available information reveals the
    diverse and extensive corporate political activity of the food industry in Australia. BMC Public Health. 2016;
  58. Mialon M., Swinburn B., Wate J., Tukana I. & Sacks G. Analysis of the corporate political activity of major food
    industry actors in Fiji. Globalization & Health. 2016; http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12992-016-0158-8
  59. Mialon M., Swinburn B. & Sacks G. A proposed approach to systematically identify and monitor the corporate political activity of the food industry with respect to public health using publicly available information. Obesity Reviews. 2015; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/obr.12289
  60. Sacks G., Mialon M., Vandevijvere S., Trevena H., Snowdon W., Crino M. & Swinburn B. Comparison of food industry policies and commitments on marketing to children and product (re)formulation in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. Critical Public Health. 2015; http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09581596.2014.946888
  61. Mialon M., Tang Y., Singh A., Bae E. & Bhunia A. Effects of Preparation and Storage of Agar Media on the Sensitivity
    of Bacterial Forward Scattering Patterns. Open Journal of Applied Biosensor. 2012;

Commentaries, opinion pieces and other peer-reviewed work

  1. Rychert M., Sultan A. and Mialon M. Editorial: AI and new digital technologies have transformed alcohol and other
    drug industries lobbying [Editorial]. Drugs, Habits and Social Policy. 2024; https://doi.org/10.1108/DHS-05-2024-072
  2. Mialon M., Larkin J., Patton C., Tatlow-Golden M., Reilly K., Leonard P., Walsh M & Campbell N. The commercial
    determinants of health in Ireland: fueling an industrial epidemic at home and abroad [Practice & Policy]. BJGP Open. 2024; https://doi.org/10.3399/BJGPO.2024.0029
  3. Barquera S., Domínguez-Barreto A.P., Valero-Morales I., Arellano-Rodríguez M., Cediel G., Ríos-Castillo I., Turnes C., Graciano A., García-Chávez C.G., Navarro-Rosenblatt D., Pérez-Escamilla R., Ramírez-Zea M., Mialon M, Barnoya J., Bortoletto-Martins A.P., Abril-Ulloa V., Ochoa-Avilés A., Rivera-Dommarco J. & Freire W.B. Position of the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nutrición on participation of commercial actors and conflicts of interests [Essay]. Salud Publica Mex. 2024. https://doi.org/10.21149/15382
  4. Paixão M., Nunes A.B., Leite A., Costa S. & Mialon M. Determinantes comerciais da saúde: um desafio a considerar em contexto nacional [Letter]. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2023; https://doi.org/10.20344/amp.19890
  5. Mialon M. Decolonising research, advocacy and public policy on healthy diets [Opinion]. PLoS Global Public Health. 2023; https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgph.0002140
  6. Kruger P., Wynberg R., Mafuyeka M., Laar A., Mialon M., Lake L., Witten C., Nisbett N., Baker P., & Hofman K. The ultra-processed food industry in Africa [Comment]. Nature Food. 2023; https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-023-00802-0
  7. Cattaneo A., Dey T., Mialon M., van Tulleken C., Waterston T. & Wright C. Healthcare professionals, breast milk substitutes and corporate sponsorship [ViewPoint]. BMJ Paediatrics Open. 2023; http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjpo2023-001876
  8. Mialon M., & Naik A. 2023. A discussion of stronger public policies to protect and promote healthy diets: What can the U.S. learn from other countries? [Commentary]. World Nutrition. 2023; https://doi.org/10.26596/wn.202314186-
  9. Mialon M., Pinsky I. & Schmidt L. How food and beverage companies leveraged the Great Recession: Lessons for the
    COVID-19 pandemic [Commentary]. BMJ Global Health. 2021; http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2021-007146
  10. Buse K., Mialon M. & Jones A. Thinking Politically about UN Political Declarations: a recipe for healthier
    commitments – free of commercial interests [Commentary]. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2021. 10.34172/ijhpm.2021.92
  11. Nakkash N., Mialon M., Makhoul J., Arora M., Afifi R., Al Halabi A. & London L. A call to advance and translate
    research into policy on Governance, Ethics, and Conflicts of Interest in Public Health: The GECI-PH network
    [Commentary]. Globalization & Health. 2021; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-021-00660-0
  12. Crosbie E., Mialon M., Kearns C. & Schmidt L. Industry Interference in Nutrition Science Reaches into Low- and
    Middle-Income Countries: Transnational Soda Corporations in Colombia. BMJ Opinion [Comment]. 2020; https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2020/09/17/industry-interference-in-nutrition-science-reaches-into-low-and-middleincomecountries/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bmj%2Fblogs+%28Latest+BMJ+
  13. Schmidt L., Mialon M., Kearns C. & Crosbie E. Transnational Corporations, Obesity and Planetary Health. [Unsolicited comment]. Lancet Planetary Health. 2020; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(20)30146-7
  14. Hennessy M., Cullerton K., Baker P., Brown A., Crawley H., Hayes C., Kearney P.M., Kelly C., McKee M., Mialon M., Petticrew M., Rundall P., Trickey H., White M. & Redsell S. Time for complete transparency about conflicts of interest in public health nutrition research [Open letter]. HRB Open Research. 2019;

Letters to the Editor and other non-peer-reviewed work

  1. Mialon M. & Salcedo Fidalgo H. Focusing on healthy diets to counter corporate influence in public health [blog].
    ANH Academy. 2023.
  2. Mialon M., Serodio P., Crosbie E., Teicholz N., Naik A. & Carriedo A. Conflicts of Interest for Dietary Guidelines
    Advisory Committee members: neither a new nor unexplored issue [Letter to the Editor]. Advances in Nutrition. 2023; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advnut.2023.07.003
  3. Mialon M. Women and authorship in the Lancet Series on breastfeeding [Correspondence]. The Lancet. 2023;
  4. Carriedo A., Pinsky I., Crosbie E., Ruskin G. & Mialon M. Authors’ response to the letter entitled ‘Concerns about the “corporate capture” of The Academy article’ [Letter to the Editor]. Public Health Nutrition. 2023;
  5. Mialon M., Brennan S., Browne S., Campbell N., Gillespie S., Larkin J., Patton C., Vandevijvere S. & van Tulleken C. A call to the European Congress on Obesity: It’s time to remove corporate sponsorship [Open letter]. BMJ. 2023;
  6. Mialon M. Front–of–pack nutrition labeling: Ultra-processed foods are the elephant in the room [Correspondence]. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas. 2023; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lana.2023.100442
  7. Mialon M., Petticrew M., London L., Casswell S. & Babor T. Major conflicts of interest in an invitation-only meeting
    hosted by the UK and the alcohol industry in Asia [FastTake]. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2022; 10.15288/jsad-FT.09.16.2022-11
  8. Mialon M., Fooks G., Cullerton K., Gómez-Donoso C., Salcedo Fidalgo H., Nakkash R. & Lacy-Nichols J. Corporations and Health: The Need to Combine Forces to Improve Population Health [Guest Editorial]. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2022; 10.34172/ijhpm.2022.6687
  9. World Public Health and Nutrition Association (WPHNA) position paper on strengthened governance and
    accountability in public health nutrition [Contributor as a member of the Public Health 2020 Brisbane Congress’Working Group on Governance and Accountability]. World Nutrition. 2021;
  10. PAHO/WHO office for Brazil [Portuguese] [Contributor]. Reference framework on the commercial dimension of the
    determinants of health: a proposal for renewing health promotion. 2020.
  11. Mialon M., Fabbri A. & Fooks G. Reply to the article: “What principles should guide interactions between population health researchers and the food industry? Systematic scoping review of peer‐reviewed and grey literature” [Letter to the Editors]. Obesity Reviews. 2019; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/obr.12905
  12. Mialon M. Indicateur 3 : Mise en oeuvre du Code international de commercialisation des substituts du lait maternel. In: Rapport WBTi France 2017 (World Breastfeeding Trend Initiative France) [French] [Report section]. Edited by Boutry-Stadelmann B. 2018.
  13. Mialon M. Governments Push Infant Formula [Book review]. By George Kent. Irene Publishing, 2017. 194p. ISBN13:978-9188061188/. World Nutrition. 2019; https://doi.org/10.26596/wn.2019101159-160
  14. WHO [Contributor]. Addressing and managing conflicts of interest in the planning and delivery of nutrition
    programmes at country level. 2017.
  1. Mialon M., Anaf J. & Baum F. Learning from experience: Identifying key intervention points around corporate
    practices to improve health [Book chapter]. In: Commercial Determinants of Health. Edited by Maani N., Petticrew M. & Galea S. Oxford University Academic Press. 2022; 10.1093/oso/9780197578742.003.0032
  2. Mialon M. Preface of “Les dérives de la nutrition” by Gyorgy Scrinis [French]. Thierry Souccar Editions. 2022. ISBN978-2-36549-565-3.
  3. Mialon M. Les déterminants commerciaux de la (mauvaise) santé [French] [Book chapter]. In: “Social marketing and nudges” (Labellised by the FNEGE College). Edited by Crié D. and Gallopel-Morvan K. Editions E.M.S. 2022; 10.3917/ems.gallo.2022.01.0218. Prize for best FNEGE collective research book.
  4. Pérez Tamayo E.M., Cediel Girado G., Gaitán Charry D.G & Mialon M. Actividad política corporativa de la industria
    alimentaria [Spanish] [Book chapter]. In: Captura y cooptación corporativa del Estado: una reexión inaplazable. Edited by María Victoria Duque López M.V. & Espejo Barriosthe M.J. Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo. 2021.
  5. Sharma N. & Mialon M. Case 3: Sugar-sweetened beverages, non-communicable diseases and the limits of selfregulation in Fiji. In: What can we learn from collaborations between public health and the food and drinks industry? [Casebook]. Edited by Mwatsama M. UK Health Forum. 2018; ISBN E-version: 978-1-874279-16-7.
  6. Mialon M., Swinburn B. & Sacks G. A proposed approach to systematically identify and monitor the corporate political activity of the food industry with respect to public health using publicly available information [Book chapter]. In: Case Studies on Corporations and Global Health Governance. Edited by Kenworthy N., MacKenzie R. and Lee K. Rowman and Littlefield International. 2016. ISBN: 9781783483563.
  7. Mialon M. L’activité politique des entreprises (APE) de l’agroalimentaire [French] [Book chapter]. In : Les métiers de la santé face aux industries pharmaceutique, agroalimentaire et chimique. Edited by Scheffer P. L’Harmattan. 2015. ISBN: 978-2-343-05932-7.
  8. Mialon M. Trajectoire alternative au sein d’un cursus d’ingénieur agroalimentaire [French] [Book chapter]. In : Les métiers de la santé face aux industries pharmaceutique, agroalimentaire et chimique. Edited by Scheffer P. L’Harmattan. 2015. ISBN: 978-2-343-05932-7.

Mialon M. Big Food & Cie [Big Food & Co] [French] [Book]. Thierry Souccar Editions. 2021. ISBN 978-2-36549-513-4.


Interviews et citations dans les médias:

20 minutes ; Bio à la Une (et ici); The BMJ ; Bocado; Le Canard Enchaîné [article “Conflit de canard, un monde bien lait” de C. Labbé, 2 Août 2017]; Canberra Times; Disinformation Chronicle; El Diario AR (également ici); El Poder del Concumidor; Eos Tracé; El Tiempo; Elucid ; Food Navigator; France TV; GlobalResearch; Hotmilk Magazine; La Liga Contra El Silencio; Lanutrition.fr (également ici et ici); La vie des idées (Collège de France); Le Connecteur; Le Monde (ici et ici); Magazine La Ruche qui dit oui (here and here); Marie Claire; Mediapart; Medical Brief; MrMondialisation; NutritionConnect; NutritionInsight; O Joio e o trigo; Outras Palavras; Public Eye; Que Choisir; School of Nutrition and Dietetics of the University of Antioquia Colombia; School of Public Health of the University of Sao Paulo Brazil; Science et Vie; Scientific American; South African Breaking News; StatNews; Street Press; The Conversation; The Counter; The Daily Mail; The Guardian (également ici); The Nutrition Coalition; Times Higher Education; Trinity College Dublin; TVA Nouvelles; UOL; U.S. Right To Know; Verywell Health

Passage dans des documentaires:

Aliments pour bébés (Belgique), Big Food (Brésil) & Enquête de santé – Produits laitiers : faut-il s’en passer ? (France)


Causes or cure (USA), New Books Network (USA) & Aanoodizewin, The Commercial Determinants of Indigenous Health (Canada)

Passages radio:

Beur FM émission “A votre santé” (France)